Monday, June 29, 2020

Matariki star cluster

here is my matariki star Cluster. today we had to learn about star cluster, the meaning about matariki and her daughters. this is what i knew about Matariki and her daughter. hope you Enjoy

Safety Project

this was room 11 work last week friday given to us by mr Victor. this post is about using arc,right halfed triangles and of course co-linear. this post is also about being safe so make sure you do these things anywhere you go.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Matariki Learning

this week room 11 started on a matariki project,our teacher gave us a few Questions to answer and this is my answers towards my Teachers questions i really enjoyed doing this and learning diffrent things about matarki . Enjoy :)
this week i made a matariki calendar our teacher Ms tupou gave us some questions to answer. this is my The Maori calendar
By grace 

How is the Maori New Years determined ? 
Celebrations can last up to 3 days.The modern option for the Maori new year is to
pick a between
the new and full moons,
and this has become the more traditional date. 

Find and use the correct Maori terms for the months of the year, the 6 sisters
and the names of the seasons.?

Names- Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waipuna Rangi, Waitī, Waitā, and

Months of the year - kohitāea, Hui-tanguru,poutū-te-Rangi,paenga-
Mahuru,whiringa-Ā-Nuku, Whiringa-Ā-Rangi,hakihea.

Names of seasons- Kōanga,Raumati,Ngahuru,Hōtoke,